One of the key hormones that contribute to human happiness is serotonin, also known as the happiness hormone. While only 10% of this hormone is secreted by the brain, the remaining 90% is produced in the intestines. This is a significant proportion that cannot be overlooked.
The lack of serotonin hormone has been scientifically proven to lead to conditions such as depression, insomnia, irritability, and anxiety, which is widely acknowledged by a large portion of society. However, what is not widely known, even within the medical community, is that the deficiency of serotonin hormone can also lead to conditions like irritable bowel syndrome, heart diseases, and osteoporosis.
The serotonin hormone is produced by the intestinal cells of individuals with a healthy microbiota. When our microbiota is balanced and healthy, the secretion of serotonin is regulated, and individuals can lead healthy, happy, peaceful, and productive lives. Any imbalance in the microbiota disrupts the production of serotonin hormone, pushing individuals towards health issues such as depression, insomnia, anxiety, panic attacks, and irritable bowel syndrome. Eventually, individuals find themselves not only battling depression but also numerous other illnesses.
Let's briefly examine the harms that modern human life inflicts on our microbiota: unnecessary antibiotic use, consumption of industrial agricultural and livestock products, packaged foods, carbonated and artificially sweetened beverages, household paints, deodorants, and even mobile phones, all of these factors potentially harm our microbiota. Given these factors, it's easy to understand why many individuals today suffer from depression.
The chemicals of modern life harm our microbiota, leading to an imbalance that inhibits the production of serotonin hormone. The result is a range of issues, including depression, insomnia, anxiety, panic attacks, irritable bowel syndrome, and various heart diseases.
Serotonin is crucial for human health, and supporting its proper secretion within the body involves first adopting a diet rich in greens and then considering prebiotics and probiotics designed by experts with specific functions.
To restore the balance of our microbiota, we can provide the necessary support through probiotics that work harmoniously with each other, accompanied by prebiotics that these bacteria require, as well as supplements containing ancient plant extracts with proven effects on microbiota functions. Paying attention to a diet rich in greens throughout life is also essential for restoring a microbiota that has suffered damage over the years.
And finally, let me emphasize once again that overcoming depression and anxiety with a healthy microbiota is possible!