The Importance of a Healthy Microbiota in Women's Health

  • BlogBlog
  • 22 March 2023

The solution for breast cancer, polycystic ovary syndrome, menstrual pain, and even endometriosis lies in a healthy microbiota.

I'd like to begin by mentioning the existence of a field of science that investigates the relationship between the gut and feminine hormones, specifically the Estrobolome, which comprises bacteria present in the intestines that play a role in estrogen metabolism.

Bacteria, which have existed on Earth for billions of years, also reside within the human body. In fact, considering that we have approximately 10 bacterial cells for every human cell, one might easily question whether we are living beings or bacteria.

The microbiota genome carries 100 times more information than the human genome, and within this wealth of knowledge, there lies crucial information about the optimal utilization of all feminine hormones, particularly the estrogen hormone. The microbiota also regulates the balance of estrogen in the human body. In women with a healthy microbiota, the regulation of estrogen hormone is optimized, influencing a range of effects from regular menstrual cycles to natural conception, a healthy pregnancy, breastfeeding, and a healthy menopause.

When women have an imbalanced microbiota, meaning the bacteria responsible for regulating feminine hormones are absent, problems begin with seemingly minor issues such as constipation or diarrhea, followed by menstrual pain, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, breast cancer, premature menopause, osteoporosis, and even depression.

In today's world, people tend to address individual problems separately, seeking solutions through antidepressants for depression, calcium for osteoporosis, painkillers for menstrual pain, and synthetic hormone treatments for other issues. However, in doing so, they inadvertently disrupt their microbiota even further.

Indeed, the solution to all these problems lies in a holistic microbiota approach. Achieving a balanced microbiota involves introducing compatible (mutually beneficial) probiotics, prebiotics that support these probiotics, and carefully balanced mixtures of scientifically proven beneficial herbs. Of course, to more rapidly and effectively restore a healthy microbiota, seeking guidance from microbiota experts and dietitians well-versed in this field is strongly recommended.

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