We live on a planet that is 4.5 billion years old, and the fact that bacteria have existed on Earth for at least 3.5 billion years is now being gradually acknowledged by not only scientists but also by everyone. Describing the biological support that these bacteria have provided to us, humans living on Earth for just 50,000 years, is truly impossible with words. These bacteria not only play a role in the formation of nutrients necessary for plant growth and photosynthesis, in the healthy production of honey by bees, but also directly contribute to the creation of almost all metabolites essential for human life, enabling a healthy, organized, and peaceful life for all multicellular organisms on Earth.
We consume food, and bacteria produce metabolites from this food. As a result, humans are able to sustain a healthy life thanks to these metabolites. In conclusion, we are able to live a healthy, peaceful, and happy life through the food we consume and the bacteria that produce these metabolites. Any harm inflicted on these bacteria can disrupt the entire system and lead to significant health issues in humans, with cancer being at the forefront.
Considering that our ancestors' microbiota consisted of 4,000-5,000 different types of bacteria, while modern humans' microbiota only contains 300-500 types, we can understand why the prevalence of cancer has increased. Additionally, we must not forget that the chemical composition of the foods we consume also contributes to the development of cancer. We frequently read in the news about the excessive use of chemical pesticides in industrial agricultural products, to the extent that these products are returned to their exporting countries due to these chemicals. Unfortunately, we are unable to personally detect the chemicals on the products that arrive at our tables or the drugs used in animal husbandry. As a result, all of us are forced to combat these illnesses.
Especially in the last decade, through numerous microbiota studies I have personally conducted and as one of the contributing authors of the book 'Bacteria in Cancer Treatment', it has been scientifically proven repeatedly that microbiota plays a crucial role in both cancer treatment and prevention. The consensus in the scientific community is consistent with this notion, and major pharmaceutical companies are actively working in this direction.
Supporting the microbiota is of paramount importance for cancer prevention and treatment. A healthy microbiota, achieved through a diet rich in fiber, especially green vegetables, along with scientifically proven probiotics that enhance the effects of these probiotics against cancer through prebiotics, actively defends the human body against cancer. Additionally, this approach enhances the effectiveness of cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and smart drugs. The most important consideration in these solutions is to avoid packaged and industrial foods as much as possible.
Furthermore, it has been observed that bacteria engaged in the fight against cancer, besides being effective warriors against cancer, also halt tumor formation in clinical trials. Studies are being rapidly carried out on these bacteria to harness their anti-tumor properties and make them available to humanity.