Why is Consumption of Packaged (processed) Foods Not Recommended?

  • Dyt. Anıl ArkalıDyt. Anıl Arkalı
  • 28 August 2023

Under the current conditions of busy work schedules, there has been a significant increase in the consumption of ready-made and packaged foods. But what are the risks of regularly and consistently consuming processed foods? Processed foods now account for 25-60% of daily energy intake in many countries around the world. (BMJ 2019;365:l1451)

In order to consume a natural food, we might subject it to various physical processes such as cutting, washing, and grinding. These processes are sufficient to classify the food as "processed," and we can categorize processed foods into three groups: light, moderate, and highly processed.

Which processed foods should we avoid?

Processed foods are divided into 4 different categories according to the Nova classification system.

Foods in the first category are minimally processed, including examples like eggs and milk.

The second category consists of foods that should be consumed in moderation. This group includes bread, canned goods, beverages, and packaged sweets.

The third Nova category encompasses foods that should be consumed in limited amounts. Foods in this category include smoked meats, canned fish, and fruit juices.

The fourth and most crucial category is composed of Ultra-processed foods to be avoided. This group includes foods with high levels of preservatives, salt, fat, and additives.

What are processed foods?

  • Pastirma, sausages, sucuk, ham
  • Bread
  • Cheese
  • Cereals
  • Chips
  • Milk
  • Biscuits
  • Canned beverages

What are the dangers of processed foods?

  • Increases the risk of cancer.
  • High in calories but very low in nutritional value.
  • Contains Monosodium, which can lead to addiction.
  • Ultra-processed foods are often high in unhealthy and cheap fats, increasing inflammation in the body.
  • Elevates blood sugar levels and can lead to diabetes.

What's the Impact of Processed Foods on the Microbiota?

The negative impact of processed foods on gut health is a significant concern, as much as it affects weight control and skin health. The growing interest in processed foods has led to substantial changes in dietary habits. The increased demand for stability, shelf life, and flavor enhancement has resulted in higher levels of additives in packaged foods. Increased use of colorings and flavorings has been scientifically proven to negatively affect gut microbiota. Disruption of the gut microbiota can lead to various health problems, including autoimmune diseases. To diversify the microbiota, it's important to regularly support it with probiotics and consume foods rich in fiber.

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